Place is looking kinda bloated these days:
And there's no proper signage in view from the highway.
This entrance is down under the famous bridge, which joins the two halves of the centre. Not very welcoming, but then this place is meant to be approached via the massive, shadecloth-draped car parks.
And here's the bridge itself:
It is two storeys high, and has a food court- you could probably make a stand-alone centre out of the bridge alone if you wanted. That window is a bit under used- it's tucked away in the back of a camping goods store where you have to pretend you want to buy a tent or some lycra socks to enjoy the view north back up the Nepean to the city:
In the central atrium, they have a TV that is like, two storeys tall. It shows ads, all day. And everyone seems to ignore it.
But have a look at this pic, from 1968:
The water feature is long gone but that's still recognisably the same place. I wonder what fashion show was going on on that stage? This is the place where I met Tom "Dr Who" Baker during a meet and greet tour he did many years ago.

Oh, and if that is your grandma or auntie standing there, do let me know.
Old pics from the City of Kingston historical website.