Friday, July 6, 2012

The big one- Chadstone.

Look, explaining Chadstone is probably beyond my abilities and certainly way beyond the scope of this blog. It would take a team of sociologists, demographers and market researchers months to scratch the surface of Melbourne's south eastern monolith. Here's a thermographic MRI scan of the beast:

The only sensible thing left to do with it is to start building apartments on top. Chuck an airport style light rail/people mover around the outside and you would have a suburb that would be the envy of homeowners stuck in places like Sanctuary Lakes and Elmswood. I'm guessing flats above the Prada/Burberry/Tiffany end of things would attract a higher price than those in the Aldi/Kmart/Pet Barn neighbourhood.

That said, I remember when it was a kind of rectangular courtyard, with shops along three sides and gardens, a fountain and a community theatre space along the remaining long side. There was an old-school AMF bowling alley underneath Myers. And it had a Downyflake Donut place, too.
Things were different then I guess:
May need to be revisited at some stage.

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